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Educational and Social Experience

Students consistently rank RSU’s community among the top reasons why they love the university. They regularly highlight the sense of family that exists on campus as well as the close collaboration that occurs between students, faculty, staff and administrators—all working toward one goal: helping students achieve their dreams. For many students, this is a truly transformative experience, and one that they could only have at a small university like RSU.

Helping to foster this nurturing and collaborative environment is RSU’s highly active student gov ernment organization—known as the Associated Students of RSU—as well as the Campus Activities Board . Both of these organizations are committed to continuously enhancing the social and cultural environment on campus by providing a variety of programs.

Additionally, the Office of Student Affairs works closely with RSU to enrich both the social and educational experience by embracing students’ goals and aspirations. This collaborative environment helps to challenge students to develop both academically and personally, as well as provide the support necessary for them to do so.